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Pitched Roof Solar Mounting System from China


Roof Solar Brackets are generally divided into three categories: MetalRoof Brackets, Pitched Roof Brackets, and Flat Roof Brackets.Hereby, we will introduce the pitched roof (including Tile Roof and Asphalt Roof) brackets, which are mainly located in residential areas.

The payback period for residential rooftop solar projects is around 6–8 years depending on your electrical usage, and setup capacity. The setup itself has a 25 year lifecycle. With the promotion of new energy around the world and the introduction of new energy subsidy policiesby some governments, more and more families choose to install photovoltaic roofs.

The pitched roof bracket is mainly composed of hooks,rails,middle clamps,endclamps, rail splices, etc..

This type of brackets generally are finished with C-shaped steel or aluminum alloy as the main supporting structure, which has the following advantages:

① No welding is required, the anti-corrosion coating is uniform, and good durability;

② Fast assembly and disassembly;

③ Quick to install;

④ Nice appearance etc.

Item 1 to 5, adapt for Tile Roof;

Item 6 to 7, suitable for Asphalt Roof

NATURE GREEN SOLAR provides a variety of solar hooks of top quality, meanwhile, the customized solar hooks from clients are also available. If you are interested in solar roof mounting systems, please feel free to contact us, NATURE GREEN SOLAR will work with you with the best quality service.

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